September 24, 2007

Dentistry: The 2 Aspects of Life As A Dentist

Dentistry, just like other medical fields, is always looking at advancements and ways to help people keep their mouth healthier but there is also the business side of dentistry that every dentist has to deal with. Seeing how these two sides are the biggest parts of a dentist’s life, I chose to share with my readers in today’s post the two comments I left on two other blog’s. One of the blog’s had a post which discussed the health and advancements in dental care while the other blog consisted of a post looking at more of a business aspect of a dentists life. The first post, which inspired me to leave a comment, was from The Dental Implant Blog and more specifically the post titled, “iTero Digital Impression System”. The second post, which I made a comment on dealt with the business aspect of dentistry coming from Dental Insider Blog and the post titled, “3M/ESPE addresses Gray Market Issue”.

"iTero Digital Impression System"
Your post was very informative about this wonderful advance in dentistry. I believe that every dentist should try and get their hands on the new iTero digital impression system (pictured above) because as a person who has had a tradition impression taken, I know how uncomfortable it was so take a traditional impression and if I had a choice I would definitely prefer anything as an alternative. This machine seems to offer a much more comfortable way to not only take an impression but also to provide increased patient satisfaction and improved dental clinical outcomes. As a pre-dental student, I agree that not only would this make the patients impression experience more comfortable but also it would definitely enhance ones reputation as a high quality practice. If I were already a dentist I would make sure to get one of these machines because its down the road it would eventually pay for itself by eliminating consumable expenses and also surely bring in new patients.

"3M/ESPE Addresses Grey Market Issue"
I believe that that 3M/ESPE is doing a good thing in helping dentists deal with “gray market” goods including ways to detect if a dentist has grey market goods. As a pre-dental student and someone who will soon be dealing with these different aspects of the business world of dentistry, I would not want to have any or use any “grey market” goods while operating my business and office. I believe that it might be unsafe and that using goods that are acquired from channels other than ones that are authorized is wrong. There needs to be a “crack down” on all those who deal the products illegally because if there are no ramifications then it will never stop.


AAT said...

Your post makes the world of dentistry seem very interesting. Your first post about the new impression machine is very interesting as it provides a new and faster way to receive dental impressions. The blog you responded to was well written and provided a lot of useful information. For your second blog, i feel like you could have expanded on the "grey market" or given a few other examples of such cases. The blog you chose to write on was very short and hard to respond to. to make your blog comment better i would have given examples on how the "grey market" has in the past (or presently) affected dentists lives.

Overall you provide a very interesting insight to the life of a dentist. There are a few spelling errors in your posts you should double check. The picture you used was very well used...maybe find one other picture to put up there as well. overall, good post.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping in to my blog - I hope you continue to check in. Your blog is coming along nicely - lots of good writing!

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